Jan 24, 2012

Kanab Heritage Museum - Old Library Building

13 South 100 East Street

The free public library of Kanab had its beginnings in 1914 when a group of women of Kanab organized appointed a committee from the Ladies Literary League to call on the town council and ask that a library be established.   In 1938, during the depression, men needed work and the City Council submitted plans to the W. P. A. for a library building project. The W. P. A. was to provide the labor and the City to provide a building site and necessary funds.  The City Council leased the Johnson sawmill on the Kaibab and the W. P. A. crew cut lumber for the building and enough to sell.  There was not enough money to buy bricks, so they built a brick kiln and made enough bricks to build the building and sell for cash. 
In 1996, this building ceased to be a public library and in 1999 the opportunity came for the Historical Committee to take it over to see what could be done with it.  After much work, the first displays were in 1999/2000 and it has grown to the wonderful museum it is now. This museum holds much history of the people and events that make Kanab the special place it is.  The museum is open Monday –Friday, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from May 1st to October 1st.   The curator is Deanna Glover.