Jan 24, 2012

Bowman Mercantile - Picket Lumber Company

97 West Center Street

The Bowman Building was Kanab’s hardware and general mercantile store beginning in 1901. This building is one of the few original downtown structures left standing in Kanab.  This store was used as a general merchandise store until 1933-34 and the property went to ZCMI. Picket Lumber Company from St. George then leased the store. .  Several other businesses have been housed in this building the latest on the west side being the Rocking V Restaurant.   Present owners are Victor and Victoria Cooper.
In 1924 the east side of the building was added.  This became Dan Frost’s Modern Cash store and later became the Bradshaw Auto Parts.  Now owned by Jonathan and Kanya Isgreen and Faimunvi Isgreen.