Jan 24, 2012

William Derby Johnson Home / Cole Hotel / Purple Sage

58   South Main St.

This is a twelve room, one story frame, hall and parlor house attached to a two-story frame, Italianate box-style addition.  It was built in 1884 by William Derby Johnson, Jr.  William was the only Kanab man to make a river run with Major John Wesley Powell.  He sold the home to George C. Neagle in 1889 and in 1890 it sold to Alfred D. Young, who in 1901 sold to Thomas Cole. 
Thomas Cole turned it into hotel which was run by Eleanor McAllister for many years.   The legendary writer, Zane Grey, rented a room here and stayed during some of his writings.  Zane Grey came into our area in 1907 when he met J. C. “Buffalo” Jones and Jim Emett. 
In 1911, George Hicks bought the hotel and used it as a residence as well as apartments and hotel.  
This house was in dilapidated condition when Arthur and Alice Brown came from California and began restoring the long- neglected structure.  This took 12 years to restore it to its present condition. 
The present owners are Kathy and Tory Brock and it is now a Bed and Breakfast where it can be viewed and appreciated.